The A to Z of Career Success - H

A warm welcome into my 8th instalment of the A to Z of career success series where we have now moved onto the letter H - Holy Moly! Today we are going to look at 4 more ways to improve your career success.

Honesty is going to be your best friend when it comes to your career success. Particularly self-honesty. Being honest with yourself, about what you want and where you want to go, can be one of the best ways to successfully navigate your career and live an authentic life. Honesty is part of my foundation of core values and principles. Honesty cuts through self-deception leading to a fulfilling, free life.
Sounds good, but how do we develop honesty?
Honesty isn’t something that happens overnight, particularly if we have difficulty being honest with ourselves. Here are some suggestions for getting started.
  • Stop exaggerating to others. (I definitely struggle with this at times)
  • Tell the truth to others. Of course, this doesn’t mean being blunt and insensitive, but when we manipulate our opinions to avoid speaking the truth, we don’t speak with integrity
And finally, and this is a biggie …
  • Tell the truth to yourself and make sure you're listening. 😉 Don’t deceive yourself. Instead, listen to your truth and keep that information close to the decision-making part of your brain. Good career decisions will surely follow.

Habits to help you   
Research shows that developing daily habits can be a great way to regain your mojo at work.
Habits such as daily walking or running, meditation, reading, or meeting a friend for coffee can be such a boost to your morale. Such activities will give you room to get some headspace away from work and re-build your zest for life.
Habits can also be about not doing something. For example, not checking social media first thing in the morning, not over-eating or drinking, and avoiding people that drain your energy.


If you're not sure where to begin just start small with one new habit, such as going for a walk. Then you can add another such as listening to uplifting podcasts each time you walk.

Happy Mondays

It seems obvious now, with hindsight, that succeeding in anything is much easier if you enjoy what you do. Conversely, if you don’t enjoy what you are doing, for example, your current work role, it’s much harder to make it a success.
It would therefore seem common sense to find work that’s fulfilling and enjoyable and leave behind the stuff you don’t enjoy. Sadly, in my experience, common sense doesn’t always lead to common practice.
So, how do you know if you aren’t enjoying your job? Here are some things to think about:
  • What happens to your energy levels at work? Do you feel energised at work? Or do you feel your energy being depleted as the day goes on?
  • What happens to time during the day? Does time fly? Or does the day drag?
And finally,
  • At the end of the working week, if you’re beginning to feel a sense of happiness and maybe aliveness, do those feelings come from satisfaction in what you have achieved at work, or, from Looking forward to the weekend?

Helping others
One of the best ways to succeed in your career is by helping others to succeed in their careers. You see, the more you help those around you, the more valued you will be by those people. The more valued you are by others in your organisation, the more they need you. The value you add can really help your career growth.
In addition to this, helping others feels great and helps you to build great relationships at work.
  • Who can you help at work this week?
  • What are you good at and who could you share this skill with?
  • Who needs your support right now?
  • What resources do you have access to that you could share with others in your organisation
  • Who could you provide some supportive feedback to this week?

As always, hope you find these tips helpful and wish you happiness and good health always. Drop me a note and let me know how you are getting on or book a slot in my calendar for a chat. Please also forward this email to anybody that you think might be interested in the content.

Kind Regards


Mark Crossfield
Bravo Coaching